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Differing opinions welcome.
Personal Attacks are taken for what they are, acts of desperation or plain mean spiritedness.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Poll comments


  1. Janelle,
    Keep going, you are a singular inspiration of citizen watchdogging in Fortuna. Your in depth research, your questioning the obvious flaws in city positions, your doggedness in knowing your rights as a citizen and requiring the city to follow through in providing them, your persistence and tirelessness in all of the above are a magnificent example of what can and should be done by other citizens, but is not being done.
    Keep going, you are on the right track, the city has not considered all the alternatives seriously, as you point out in their lack of evidence for not using Vancil. The city's specious arguments re: "no go" on other alternatives, including your proposal for scaled down use of Stewart St in concert with Vancil, are transparently weak but you challenge them when no one else will.
    Keep going. Contrary to what the city says, you know more than the "city" does in some cases, and you've done more research in some areas than they have done. An expert is just someone who knows more than others in a specific area and you've made yourself an expert on many aspects of the tank issues at stake. Many city employees have so much on their plate that they've barely been able to look into areas where you've spent many hours and days researching.
    Keep going--you give many of us inspiration and hope.

  2. Yah!!

    I secund that emotion!!!


  3. Dear Missy, Thank you for your words of encouragement. It is a hard thing for me to do, but I have decided not to publish the second comment you wrote. You have much to say, but some of what you wrote I think could hurt people, including you or me.

    Maybe someday you and I will meet. Until then, keep your head up high.

  4. 12:38 said: Many city employees have so much on their plate that they've barely been able to look into areas...

    Thank you for recognizing the city employees.
    I second that emotion. (I love that pun!)

  5. Thanks for all your work Janelle. Godspeed on your stamina and ability to keep up all your good work even when it gets tiresome. Thanks
