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Saturday, March 7, 2009

The envelope, please

A pretty simple, wonderful thing. I walked in, told her I thought there was an envelope I was to pick up at the front desk and she handed it to me. Or at least she tried to, I then asked if she would mind a picture. With some understandable hesitation (I am not found of pictures, myself) she happily agreed.
Only as I was leaving did I think to ask her to thank Mr. Rigge, I hope she did because I am truly thankful. I could have many bones to pick with him, but he is the City Manager and he is responsible for making public records available and yesterday he did his job. Isn't that what we want from City employees? Cheerful, without a hassle, that's very nice, too.

I took a look in the envelope yesterday evening. Of the 62 pages 26 are the staff report; 11 pages listing (identifying) articles/ sections/ chapters of Title 22---the drinking water regulations; and 4 pages with copies of sections. All very confidential stuff. Silliness. I should edit some of this out for the sake of kindness, but I need it; it shows that sometimes finding nothing is very helpful. Or in this case just a little bit.

I now know that they did do some investigation of using Vancil. As I remember, the Council asked about Vancil at one meeting but made no comment. So I think it is a fair assumption that the City Manager has a lot of discretion or was getting direction from Council outside of public meetings. Either way, I am thankful to find some investigation. I will have to do more than a page count to see if there is anything here to qualify as a show stopper. It was fun to note a star next to a section of the law I had been looking at. Competent minds think alike? I am aching to check my notes to see if we were looking at the same time. But on to other things. If I can, I'll post what I picked up at fortunacitizen In the meantime, check out some of the historical info there.

Please join me at the upcoming workshop on the Capital Improvement Projects for the next 5 years. If I understand correctly, this is the process to approve spending money on the Water System. It is this Monday, the 9th, 6pm, City Hall. For more information, click here: Pass it along.

Photo by Susan K. Campbell


  1. My nare-do-well liberal son doesn't think I got you the documents fast enough. There is no pleasing that boy.

  2. Would I be welcome if I were to address that Fortuna City Hall does not recognize Martin Luther Kings Birthday as a National Holiday? That is probably the biggest thorn in my paw at this time.

  3. Paul, Give that boy a hug for me. Then show him this:
    Dear liberal son of republican attorney,

    As the nare-do-well client of your father I can say that at points I shared your frustration. At other points it was I who applied the breaks.

    During the process, however we were communicating with the city and that is important. We avoided the court battle.

    As for time, one of the many attorneys who told me I needed to find someone familiar with the California Public Records Act also said to plan on six months in the court system.

    To a fellow liberal, I ask you to read something I just read a couple days ago: page 39 of Obama's book, Audacity of Hope. Thanks so much for your support. janelle

    Hey Carol, I would welcome you with open arms. But, of course you are pointing out that all I've done is sit down in the wrong spot on the bus. I'm referring, of course to Humboldturtle's Rosa Park analogy. Unlike Rosa, I had the law on my side. But like Rosa, it will take others walking with me to make a difference.

    You live in Loleta, so I sent you my posting because I wanted to share my joy with a friend. But as I think about it, your business is in Fortuna and probably pays a water bill. The bond money which is funding the current water system improvements will be paid for, with interest, by the rate payers. I think we have an interest in seeing that the money is well spent.

    We still have an outstanding coffee date. Ah-oh, it's starting to sprinkle, and I need to pick flowers for Darrel's memorial this afternoon. love, janelle
