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Differing opinions welcome.
Personal Attacks are taken for what they are, acts of desperation or plain mean spiritedness.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Can we save millions?

Perhaps we can...Here is the link to a comparison of costs of new 2MG and using Vancil.
Please note that this has been given to the city, but was not prepared by the city. This statement is not meant to imply anything negative about staff. As has been pointed out in a poll comment here, the staff has many projects they are working on. I would add that staff was never asked to prepare information on Vancil, as far as I know. Of course there are some remaining unknowns and you need to know that the person who prepared this is neither an accountant nor an engineer. The important thing is that there is now a draft comparison and hopefully soon a definitive cost comparison.


  1. "you need to know that the person who prepared this is neither an accountant nor an engineer"

    So, in other words, the person who prepared this has absolutely no expertise in the
    matter; What time is your Nuclear physics lesson?

  2. The person who prepared this can read and so can you. If you read it you will see that it is incomplete and contains many words like "might" and "possibility" and that there are several 'unknowns' noted. It is a draft, the beginning of a conversation.

    The information used to prepare this is all available, someone just volunteered the time to simply organize it onto one page. If you read the information you would have some expertise, too. The information on and the Apr.'07 PDR would also be very helpful to you.

    But PERHAPS you only have time to criticize others. Come on, find some time to analyze. Forgive me for repeating myself, but this is a draft and critical analysis is welcome. Snide remarks, no thank you. "Personal attacks are taken for what they are, acts of desperation or plain mean spiritedness."

    An accountant or engineer might well help with some of the 'unknowns,' find that something was misinterpreted, turn some of the "possible" statements into "not possible" or "probable" statements. But then, another expert might have a different opinion. If you know an accountant or engineer have them take a look at it. That would be great.

    PS please participate in the unscientific poll at right

  3. Sorry Janelle, but NONE of this information is either helpful or useful. As you stated, it is incomplete, and as I understand it, the city has already moved beyond this point - they will be building the storage tank, and your second guessing is not going to change any of that.

  4. No regret necessary, Anonymous. Thanks for taking the time to share your understanding.

  5. "It is a draft, the beginning of a conversation."

    You are missing the point, my friend. The conversation you are referring to is over.

  6. Hey, I have an idea!!!

    Let's have a conversation about having the highway bypass Rio Dell. I've come up with some ideas and figures, (no, I'm not an expert in the field, but what the hey) and I think we should go in a completely diferrent route than planned.

    That's about as relevant as your "conversation", Janelle. The conversation is over, and people have moved on.

  7. WHy dont you try not to be so sarcasit 335!!!
    Janell is helping. Fortuna officils are krupped!!! Stop waisting our money.

    And Yeaaa!! SOlar is good! Help our enviromant and save us money!!! Thats a good thing!!!

    You keep going girlfriend!


  8. missy: Good to hear from you again. I truly haven't seen any sign of bribery or other corruption. But we certainly want to save the city some money, if possible. Send me an email at and I'll respond to your comment I wasn't able to post.

    Thanks for the kind words.


  9. You sure seem to be generating quite a buzz here, Janelle. Not. Eight comments, half from you.

    Perhaps the great majority of residents in fortuna think the water storage is needed.

  10. Anonymous, signed missy -- 1
    Janelle -- 3
    Anonymous -- 5

    I'll try to do a better job at holding up my end of the conversation.
