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Thursday, April 2, 2009

What now?

Hopefully, the attorneys are wrapping up Egger v City of Fortuna. I went into this with an understanding with myself: I believe that the city is trying to provide information and be more open, but we had a serious disagreement over the interpretation of two parts of the California Public Records Act.

We disagreed about whether all preliminary records can be withheld from the public and if the City can reject a request without an attempt to help identify records. I have received the preliminary information used to prepare the Vancil portion of the staff report and the City was able to provide it without a specific list from me (how could I know what information they used to prepare their report?). I feel receiving the information shows that the City has rethought its interpretation. Having been told that I can make further requests related to this, if needed, I have confirmed my wish to end the lawsuit.

My attorney, Paul Boylan, asked what I would do next? I've thought about that a bit and decided to take another friend's advise and do a poll. Look to the right and you will see it under "What Now?" It is part tongue-in-cheek fun, part real curiosity. Check as many boxes as you wish.

But first, if you have a chance, please check out fortunacitizen, where I ask, "Why don't we use Vancil?" The lawsuit, remember, was to aid my work looking into the possibility of using Vancil reservoir instead of building a new one nearby(possible savings: 2.5 to 3 million dollars). Much of what I've found is there, organized roughly by the questions I asked as I went along. Take a look, and don't forget to come back and let me know what you think.

PS here is a preview of the questions at fortunacitizen:
  1. Where does Fortuna store it's water? Not counting the 2 failing, there are 4 reservoir/tanks.
  2. Does Fortuna need more water storage? Possibly in the south, not in the north.
  3. Is there enough emergency storage? Yes, even without the 2 failing tanks. A remaining question: what is the weak-link in an emergency?
  4. Are there alternatives to spending more than $4 million on a new water tank? yes
  5. Didn't City staff conclude that using Vancil was "not prudent at any cost savings? Yes, now they need to support their conclusion.
  6. What information did staff use to come to their conclusion? There is not a lot of documented information collection.
  7. Wouldn't using Vancil risk relying on PRV valves? The city uses PRV valves.
  8. Do the Water Revenue Bonds require building a new reservoir to replace those at Stewart Street? No.
Go to fortunacitizen for more information.

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