We disagreed about whether all preliminary records can be withheld from the public and if the City can reject a request without an attempt to help identify records. I have received the preliminary information used to prepare the Vancil portion of the staff report and the City was able to provide it without a specific list from me (how could I know what information they used to prepare their report?). I feel receiving the information shows that the City has rethought its interpretation. Having been told that I can make further requests related to this, if needed, I have confirmed my wish to end the lawsuit.
My attorney, Paul Boylan, asked what I would do next? I've thought about that a bit and decided to take another friend's advise and do a poll. Look to the right and you will see it under "What Now?" It is part tongue-in-cheek fun, part real curiosity. Check as many boxes as you wish.
But first, if you have a chance, please check out fortunacitizen, where I ask, "Why don't we use Vancil?" The lawsuit, remember, was to aid my work looking into the possibility of using Vancil reservoir instead of building a new one nearby(possible savings: 2.5 to 3 million dollars). Much of what I've found is there, organized roughly by the questions I asked as I went along. Take a look, and don't forget to come back and let me know what you think.
PS here is a preview of the questions at fortunacitizen:
- Where does Fortuna store it's water? Not counting the 2 failing, there are 4 reservoir/tanks.
- Does Fortuna need more water storage? Possibly in the south, not in the north.
- Is there enough emergency storage? Yes, even without the 2 failing tanks. A remaining question: what is the weak-link in an emergency?
- Are there alternatives to spending more than $4 million on a new water tank? yes
- Didn't City staff conclude that using Vancil was "not prudent at any cost savings? Yes, now they need to support their conclusion.
- What information did staff use to come to their conclusion? There is not a lot of documented information collection.
- Wouldn't using Vancil risk relying on PRV valves? The city uses PRV valves.
- Do the Water Revenue Bonds require building a new reservoir to replace those at Stewart Street? No.
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