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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Change, one step back, two forward

I want to thank Mayor Whitchurch and Linda Jensen. Yes, Mayor Whitchurch because although he flicked the switch he stopped short of actually stopping me from speaking at the March 9th meeting. Can this mountain be a molehill again?

Linda Jensen deserves grand kudos for defusing the situation at the beginning of the March 16th meeting. Back in August as I handed the Council information before a meeting, Mayor Campbell asked if I had a copy for staff, which I did. Between then and last month I switched at Mr. Rigge's request to leaving information with staff to give to council. I sometimes had a few extra I put on the table with the agenda copies. On March 16th I noticed something in the minutes. I assumed only a Council member could take the minutes off the consent calendar so I typed up my thoughts. Before the meeting I confirmed with Mr. Rigge the process and then gave him a copy. As I moved to hand copies to the Council I was told I had to have copies for everyone in the room or could not give anything to Council. As I hesitated, wondering at the moving target of Council process, Linda Jensen got up and made some copies. I finished giving the Council their copies and life goes on. Thank you!

FYI dear readers here is CA Gov Code 54957.5.(b):(b) Writings that are public records under subdivision (a) and that are distributed during a public meeting shall be made available for public inspection at the meeting if prepared by the local agency or a member of its legislative body, or after the meeting if prepared by some other person.
So, while I was technically correct, I apologize that due to a shortage of time and ink I did not have copies for the other members of the public at the March 16th meeting.

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